Our Beliefs

Live Jesus. Give Jesus.
We believe that the mission of the church is to live like Jesus as serving, difference-making members of our community and to love our community well by sharing the gospel in word and action.

What Is the Gospel?
God is super-abundantly rich in grace, mercy, and love.
God sent Jesus Christ to live a life of perfect obedience, to die for our sins, and to be resurrected from the dead, defeating sin and death.
The resurrection of Jesus ushered in His Kingdom, so that repenting and obeying in faith, we might be saved from our sins and reconciled to God.
We are raised, transformed, and propelled by the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus.

What To Expect
You are loved and welcomed to join us for worship or Bible study anytime. Know that we are a fellowship of believers in and followers of Jesus Christ.
We are on a journey together to become better reflections of our Savior.
It is our joy to participate in the work God is doing! Come as you are, and we pray you will join us.
Yes! We offer a nursery for children 2 and under, staffed by our wonderful volunteers. During the sermon, children pre-K through 3rd grade are dismissed to Children’s Church, where they will sing songs, learn the books of the Bible, and learn about the story of God. After worship, we have classes for all children’s age groups!
Our youth ministry meets every Sunday morning after worship for a time of study, and every other week at a youth family’s home for a time of fellowship, food, and devotion. We also have plenty of fun events throughout the year. We hope that you’ll join us!
Some choose to wear suits, others choose to wear flip-flops, and God accepts the worship of both. Just come as you are – we look forward to seeing you!