Wednesday Evening Womens' Bible Classes
Do you ever wish for a safe place to grow in friendship with women who struggle just as much as you do? Well, that’s exactly the vision we have for our Womens’ Ministry at North Raleigh Church of Christ. We are a group of women trying our best to love, support, encourage, and strengthen one another as we “do life” together. Please join us at 7 pm every Wednesday, except the first Wednesday of each month.
Current Wednesday Evening Bible Study
“Each new morning and in each season of life, the Father offers us a holy invitation to advance to the next level with Him. Against the common objections of our neglect, disinterest, busyness, and laziness, He invites us to meet with Him, to speak with Him, where His Spirit can speak afresh to us. He comes offering not so much a destination as a journey – a journey into ongoing depths of relationship with Him, a journey into the abundance that old habits are robbing from us – a journey where we’ll actually sense His closeness and be led by His Spirit into alignment with His will.”
-excerpt from the Introduction of our current study, Discerning the Voice of God
Please join us as we delve into this highly recommended study to help each of us improve our ability to discern the voice of God in each of our lives.

We hold a number of events over the course of the year including beach and lake retreats, seminars, outreach events and events celebrating major life events like births and weddings, etc.